All students of the LL.M. must do an internship, normally in their second year.
The intership will last at least 150 hours and have learning objectives consistent with the Programme. Reasearch, activities or projects carried out during the internship can be the starting point for the elaboration of the final dissertation.
Interns may be hosted in Italy or abroad including by public and private institutions, companies, law firms, consultancies and professional organizations, non-governmental organizations, think-tanks and research institutes.
While students are required to find their own internship in accordance with their interests and expectations, the programme may facilitate the process by disseminating information on relevant available positions, including those reserved to the students of the LL.M.
An internship (or traineeship) is a training experience encompassing different options:
- Students can participate in curricular internship/work placement
- Those who have completed their study programme not more than 12 months ago can do extracurricular internships/traineeships.
The Cosp manages setup procedures for internships in public and private companies and institutions aimed at enrolled students, graduands and postgraduates.
How to find a stage opportunity
Students can either select one of the available internship positions on the University noticeboard or find an internship by themselves.
In any case they must follow procedures established by the Study and Career Guidance Centre (COSP).